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Wir bestehen darauf, dass am Ende des Herstel- lungsprozesses die Möbel, die Ihren Lebensraum schmücken, genauso natürlich sind wie das Holz aus dem sie entstanden sind.

With the purpose to be closer to local partners and following the tradition which has been initiated in 2017, we organized an exhibition that took place between 28-29th of May in our location in Bucharest. On the websites of the individual volumes, you can read a short excerpt of the articles pertaining to a special topic or you can download the complete volume as a pdf document. Featured news & media resources Explore our Newsroom for our latest news, to learn about our upcoming events and media coverage and to download our press kit and other media resources.

Marko Ahtisaari (born 1969 in Helsinki, Finland) is a Finnish technology entrepreneur and musician. Ahtisaari has been CEO and co-founder of two technology companies: Dopplr (acquired by Nokia in 2009) and Sync Project (acquired by Bose in…

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The Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics is one of the leading research facilities in the field of software simulation of mathematical models.

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